Saturday, June 30, 2012

Unexpected Moments

Today was a day that set out to be normal and rather uneventful. In the end even though nothing was newsworthy by any means I come away with the feeling that my thoughts have been gathered and some real progress has been made.

Front of my Journal(Yes that's my print!)
It all started a dog friendly hike or rather "hike". It was less than      
3-miles hence the air quotes as I feel this is on the line of what truly qualifies for that word choice. I digress though. Upon this hike that was poorly timed during coastal desert heat I could hear the hum of bustling cars upon the road. As we went onward the hum became a drone interrupting any focus, perhaps made more obvious by awareness of their presence. The time I want to relax on my only day off from work is rudely encroached upon both visually and audibly by a road! I thought this to be ironic considering my art work is about the preservation and appreciation of nature as well as it's disruption and interruption by society. It was like a living print! The positive take away: I want to create the same level of disruption and uneasiness I felt in that moment in my work. It's there alright but this moment only reiterated my goal. 

My sketches
After a nice cool cup of iced coffee and some girly chit chat I retreated to my welcoming and serene apartment. When scanning the latest Netflix options I stumbled upon the documentary "A Day In The Life". It is as the title suggests; videos of a day (July 24th) in the life of regular individuals all over the world showing humanity in their normality as a collective group. OOOOoooooh that could be interesting! And boy was it! It was like a nitrous to my synapsis and ideas poured forth. Even ones loosely spawned forward from some far off corner. It was inspirational and raw. It emulated how I feel every moment I make my art or am enjoying a moment with my family and loved ones. It made me think of when you step back and take a moment to appreciate. When everything seems so connected.

More skteches
Needless to say I have gathered and constructed some ideas for future work. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that inspiration and ideas can come from anywhere, even the mundane or unexpected. So don't take these things for granted or let them pass by. To make sure of such I'm carrying a small sketchbook journal with me at all times. Whether it is just to jot a note or sketch an idea there will always be something to catch my thoughts.

P.S. Any thoughts on my sketches I'm more than happy to hear! LOVE feedback

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lets Get Aquainted

I am the artist AP, creator of Ardent Prints. Professionally I focus in printmaking. Mainly linocuts and woodcuts as my core with ink and pen alterations. My inspirations come from everything around me. This amazing place we call home and yet we can't seem to give it the appreciation or care it deserves. Even though my content may be a bit cynical and dark at times it has an illustrated satire and raw edge that make it relatable to viewers with ranges of personal views.

This however is not JUST about art or my self as an artist on a winding journey. No it's more. It's life, my life. My eco friendly, traveling, military wife, artistic, dog loving life. It's how it all these components are codependent upon one another and interlinked. It a matter of appreciation for the common day and mundane. It's not only surviving trials but thriving amongst challenges. It's loving every moment and promising to live ardently. It's my day to day journey as an artist, a wife, an evolving individual  and so much more.

I hope ya'll kind find this interesting enough to spark your curiosity to continue onward. I promise to deliver the most spectacular moments!

For those interested my twitter is @ardentprints . And if you love my art or simply want to poke around take a gander at my etsy page :

hanks for your time. See Ya'll soon! Live Ardently Friends :)