Normally when it comes to my work an idea enters my thought only to lead to sketches and ultimately a piece. It is one all its own and even though it may be a print with my hand alteration it is highly unlikely it is 100% identical to its counterpart. These works though come from me and my passion. They are entirely my own. However sometimes it is nice to venture outside the box and have a counterpart. Sometimes it's nice to have a request for a custom piece and that I see that individual as my counterpart in these projects.
I think some people remove themselves from the possibility of doing custom work. It may stem from a resistance the loosen the reins or share control. It may be fear of working with a tyrant. It may be that their box is quiet homey so they figure why step out. However I look to it as opportunity. A chance to expand and try something that was unlikely to be part of your work prior. It builds diversity in style, content and connections. From what I've found the counterparts are excited and not vying for control. I'm sure there's some who'd prove this statement wrong but all the one's I've work with are entirely congenial. In the end it's an opportunity to be a person of the people, an artist of the array and it is an incredibly one of a kind piece.

Recently I just finished a custom piece for a friend and loyal customer. The request : a pre-revolutionary war style barn with a few chickens outside. Look at my work. In the same realm but not spot on to my stereotypical work however I jumped at the opportunity. We exchanged conversation and photos narrowing down the perfect image. Sketches came about and alterations were perfected. Then came the print and touch ups. It was matted, framed and for the holiday season wrapped in cheer. It made me expand and it had a phenomenal result. Thank you for the chance.
I guess it's important to expand. You don't know where it will take you or what opportunities will present themselves. Don't forget to go the extra mile for your supporters. I love something new so not trying to plug here but remember I can always whip up something special with you as my counterpart.