Previously I mentioned briefly that there was an upcoming contest that I was taking part in. It is the Second Skin contest in which artists are challenged to create a mask or "second skin" entirely out of paper with decorative mixed media permissible. I decided to create a fox mask. A literal transformation of my 2-D illustrations.
This piece started as nothing but materials on the floor. The entire shape came from nothing. Beyond the shape there was the development of texture to look like tussled fur and the most time consuming portions was painting the face. It is a combination of many different layers, shades, pen work and touch ups. In all this close to 80 hours of work. I can only help that it does well and I think I may revisit some mask making. It won't become a predominant medium by any means but a mask here or there could be a nice variation.

You may be asking why a fox? I believe that things in nature resemble humanity, it's just pure and we could really take a lesson from it. THis even includes its inhabitants as they often behave in human like ways. In my work they always are part of minor, mundane actions or human emotion. They are characters as are we. However why so much emphasis on a fox? I chose a fox because I feel they are one of the most humanistic
creatures. They have families, homes, quirks, patterns, play and personality.
They are loving and sly; quick witted and mischievous. Watch there mannerisms
and similarities emerge. As humans we often hid the trueness of our identity
including everything from a complex dynamic to the most primal characteristics.
I can relate to their purity and rawness of their essential personality. It’s
something to be valued and thus I have donned a mask that instead of hiding my
face reveals a primal purity.