1. Having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate;fervent
2.intensely devoted, eager, or enthusiastic;zealous
3. vehement; fierce
4.burning, fiery, or hot
We live ardently. With passion and devotion. Seize the moment and make memories. This world can be scary, depressing and overwhelming but it can also be incredibly beautiful and richly full of joy. Its what you do and how you choose to live. Do not dwell on that which you cannot control. This includes differences in opinions as well as politics and everything in between. No one should worry themselves into sickness or isolation. Bad things are out there but that does not condone staying inside. Do not burn bridges or live with regret. Your interactions in life leave a permanent mark on many people.One can be their own worst enemy in this word. Be an ally.

We stand for that which we believe regardless of who is against us or the odds. Our conscious is clean by our beliefs, our efforts, and our actions. You can try to change the world but often the hardest part is changing stubborn hearts. Even though we ardently have our values we focus more-so on our own nuclear family which within we resignate our founding beliefs and policies. From their our passion flourishes and we can only hope to lead by example.