Walk for Animals happened to take place on Star Wars Day |
This past weekend Danny & I took part in the San Diego Humane Society Walk For Animals. All the proceeds raised from this event go to the of the Humane Society along with making sure those animals are adopted into loving families. It was a fantastic event!Vendors from local pet stores, activity groups, and rescue groups were present in full force. The Humane Society even put on activities to test your dogs agility abilities and intelligence with treat games. Bently had a field day.The Humane Society stands for something I deeply believe in which is the importance of animal adoption. There are thousands of wonderful and appreciative pets waiting to find a loving home who have sadly been abandoned, or relinquished. Yet we,(people) ridiculously resort to creating more an more that visually fit our desired specifications even though perfectly good options already exist.
Bently is ready to walk |
Too often individuals site a plethora of faulty excuses as for why not to adopt or why they'd rather just purchase from a store or a breeder. No dog is perfect and that includes your "perfect pedigree" pooch. People say all they have at pounds are disorderly or behavior issue dogs.There are dogs who need to be worked with more than others but this makes them no less valuable. You don't just give away your child if they are being a tad bratty. Nothing is stopping a dog from a breeder from being disorderly either. There are also dogs at shelters who are just nervous or just want love. If your worried about your ability to handle a dog who needs to be worked with pick one from a shelter who just wants to please.
People argue that the only dogs there are mutts and they want a specific breed. First place mutts are amazing and often healthier that "pure breeds". Secondly all of the precious cross-breeds out there (ie Labradoodle, etc) began as a "mutt" until someone certified them. Often pounds have pure breeds. Lets say though you have your heart set on a certain breed and the pound doesn't have that breed. You don't have to go to a breeder....go to a rescue! There are general animal rescue organizations and breed specific ones. I can guarantee you that there is a rescue organization that has the specific breed you want and this way you save a life.
Family Fun for a Cause |
It's obvious that I personally feel there is no reason to go to a breeder. The animals can have great personalities but so do pound hounds and I have never met a more appreciative creature. They value and understand what you've done for them. Just a side note I think it's ironic how so many people feel uncomfortable with talks of eugenics or gene selection(like picking your kids hair color) and yet they are perfectly content creating their own concoction to make the "perfect"breed. I know- one's a dog and the other is a person but either way its gene manipulation by unnatural means. Just a thought to ponder. I'd rather just save a deserving life.
Fredrik |
So as many of you may know Bently was a rescue. He had been found wondering the brush fields near Chula Vista. He is lovable and absolutely brilliant with his common knowledge and quickly picking up commands. For the past year we've been seriously considering getting a second dog but it just never seemed to be the right time. There never seems to be a "right" time but then again there's no time like the present! So this past Sunday, May 5th we took a drive to the shelter with a few dogs to look at. One dog stood out in particular and upon Bently meeting him we knew Bently had picked his new little brother! Say hello to Fredrik- a 2 year old daschund mix. He's sweet and smart . It's evident he looks up to his brother and surely they will be lifelong pals. Cinco de Mayo will forever be the celebration of his adoption.
Best Friends |