Beep Beep! Move over! We got our own little Japanese car. Almost all cars in Japan are on the smaller side, (especially compared to America) partially due to the narrow streets and no need for a high powered speedy engine. We were debating about a car and whether we would honestly need it. Some things persuaded us a little but the biggest thing was hiking. When you take dogs on the train they must be in a carrier. That's fine but I really didn't want to have to lug around a carrier on the hike or rent a locker there. And what if Danny is gone and I want to go hike with the pups? Am I seriously supposed to lug 2 dogs in carriers, and a hiking bag onto a train before the hard work of the trail? I think not! So hiking with the dogs was the biggest persuasion. We purchased a 2000 Honda Capa. It's a periwinkle silver, has lots of storage, good on gas and there's a dvd player. Oh and it has a name. We named our other car too. It was Pepper... as in Pepper Pots because of my love for Tony Stark and Danny wanted it to have a girl name. This car of course needed a Japanese name so I fell back to a favorite of mine from a beloved show. Our car is Hiro Nakamura ! ( From the TV series Heroes.) Danny is insisting to call it Nakamura because he says Hiro sounds like "hero". I'll call it Hiro. Needless to say we are enjoying the drive and we're excited for the adventures this little guy's gona take us to.