While we there meandering through all the art of my own and others Rebecca pointed out some of the outrageous prices others we asking for their work and wanted to know why. Materials? In this case no. I told her it was because 1) they we more well known and had a cliental and 2) they could because they've likely sold pieces at similar price. Call us cheap or plum "ig'nant" but neither one of us would pay $1.5 G's for a pretty cottage paintings (Thomas Kinkade doesn't even ask that and oh yea you know you he is). I explained that when you add in man hours(paying yourself minimum wages), cost of materials, accounting for commissions and a marginal profit the price can soar. As a modest artist as myself jamming my foot in the door I have to reel in that price and therefor it's not proportionate to what it maybe should be. For me to bring those numbers to where they really should be 2 things need to happen. 1) Exposure- I'm adamantly working on that and it consumes my cerebral. 2) Enthusiasts- you guys!
It makes sense the more people who see your work and like it the more you can value and expand it. That's where YOU come in! I'm not doing this for money, if that was the case I wouldn't have gone into this field. But it is a call for support and promotion to increase awareness and value. So I am asking this favor of you my friends. Pass the word and tell your friends about my etsy site, (http://www.etsy.com/shop/ArdentPrints ) or twitter, (@ArdentPrints) or this blog. And don't just read, though I thank you dearly. Follow! Follow here, follow twitter, and favorite etsy. The more you do the stronger the Ardent Prints dot is on the radar. That is my hope and it is possible with a little help from my friends. Thank you for all your love and support. Thank you Rebecca for causing this to be written.