"I volunteer as tribute!"

Any ideas as to who I dressed as for Comic Con 2012( my first)? If you haven't deduced it thus far, well, I was Katniss from Hunger Games and I must say I portrayed her to a tee. From the outfit to the dutch braid, the Mockingjay pin and even a dark long bow, self made that could fully draw back. It was epic! People wanted to pose for pics together and I must say it all felt so [perfectly amazing. In that single day of glory I was able to see so many of my all star heroes. I sat in the same room as Stan Lee and Mark Hammon. I heard John Romita Jr speak. Not only did I meet the illustrator of the comic strip Luan but I obtained his signature. I sat a mere 30 rows away from Michael C. Hall( highlight of my day). It was an amazing day and I can't wait until next year.

In retrospect I learned something during this day once I got past all geeked out moments. It was absolutely amazing seeing all these super stars and I literally mean, world famous-on tv-superstars. It wasn't until I met one illustrator in particular though that I valued the overall attitude of the stars I mentioned prior even more.Let me explain. I met an illustrator who has a few famous books. Since I'm in illustration as well all day I had been asking fellow illustrators(the famous ones) if they could give one piece of advice what would it be? I figure,why not pick the brains of the best. Greg Evans(Luan Illustrator) gave me an awesome answer:" Pursue it with every ounce of your being. Be a door-to-door salesmen of your work if you will". We chatted it up and had a nice conversation. I digress though. Later I met another illustrator and asked him the same question. This arrogant, narcissistic illustrator told me to stay out of the game because he didn't like competition.Really?! All I could think was what a jerk to be so full of yourself and so rudely answer a question like such to a person you don't even know. I went on with my day but it was during the panels of Mark Hammon, Stan Lee and especially Michael C Hall that I realized something. They were all incredibly humble. It was like they didn't realize the level of their fame. They were average joes and it was that which made me love them even more. It also made that other illustrator look like even more of a jerk in comparison since his so-called fame is impenitent in comparison to theirs.

Thank you to those who are amazing at your craft and yet remain grounded when you could so easily drift away. It makes your character stand out and our admiration for you ever stronger. I think I will always remember this. Stay humble and down to earth both personally and if I'm lucky enough one day professionally as well. Thank you for a stellar first comic con.
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