Needless to say I was elated for this opportunity. I think it means the most when your piers value you for they know the standard of which to hold you against. CAGO sent me interview questions for readers. My answers will be put along side my portfolio on their website as well as be featured. The radio interview was a unique experience and something I'd love to do again. It went beyond basic questions, as the host was knowledgable in general but also knew my work. I think the concept really came across quiet well. First it will be aired on their show. Then a couple days later it will be able to be found on Amazon and iTunes. And finally a link will be attached to my portfolio on their website

The 365 Tribute show has accepted my work. Along with that they also sent questions my way. These questions are a part of a series called "Artists" with real answers from real artists. Well I am now one of those artists. I will be notified when my specific answers appear to share with ya'll and for my own reference.
All in all this isn't too shabby of chain of events. In fact I'm quiet pleased. By no means will I stop or consider this the ultimate success but I am very happy with the outcome of my efforts. Artists have to put forth so much grunt work to gain any sort of traction it's always nice to get a little notice. Thank you CAGO & 365 Tribute for having faith in me and loving my work.
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