So first off let me provide you with some updates. We officially have a date if you didn't already know for those who didn't see our sushi facebook photo. He must report to work by December 1st, but since that's a Sunday basically it's December 2nd. Due to the amount of leave he is permitted to take between commands we will fly out around November 20th. I hoping to get a last art show in through RAW November 7th at Stingaree. He will attend a school in San Diego from October 21st-November 1st. Then from October 9th- 17th we will be in Lima, OH. I Say Lima simply because we are making a point to see the family before we travel across the world so we will eb very very busy and everyone's going to be absorbing our time. In the meantime we must get all of our medial screening, no-fee passports, announcement of entry(for the dogs), flights, movers, etc. OY! As each thing gets completed I'll write a little somethin somethin simply because I feel like the information out there is seriously lacking from both the websites and the humans who work there.
For now though I wanted to touch on my artwork. Yesterday I did the Ocean Beach Farmer's Market(Weds 4-8pm) and it was a lot of fun. A bit slow but I guess that was REALLY unusual. I was working with a girl who is a regular. This was my way to test it out and it also works great with our wonky schedule. I think I will do it next week again as soon as I secure it with her.

Some artsy side notes: I was contacted by a group called Sugar Girls and they loved my work on etsy. In fact they wanted me to participate in LA Fashion week. As exhilarating and honorable as this is due to the hanging fee for minimal work I turned it down. Awesome, just not profitable. My work was accepted on consignment at a little shop here in San Diego called Sew Loka. It's located a
t 1821 5th Ave and their number is (619) 870-9420. They just have a sampling of my work but it's something. Stope by and see my work along with lots of other amazing work from other artists. The final side note was in reference to my Etsy shop ArdentPrints. I will continue to make artwork and sell it while I am in Japan. Really nothing will change only potentially the shipping. I'm hoping I can still use flat rate mail or something through the base but I'm not sure yet.
I'm sure there will be many more updates to come as time goes on. Stay posted to stay in the loop.
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