Wowsers ! What an interesting bazaar it turned out to be. To set the stage I had increased my inventory including smaller items, stocked the cards and appropriately priced items adjusting for the cut that organization take. I was ready! On the downside one of the largest ships from base was pulling into a close port so it seemed like 1/2 the wives associated with that ship were gone! Oh and then there was the typhoon that kept creeping in causing the bazaar to be shut very early on Sunday.

Interestingly enough I actually did very well. I can only attribute it to my work, the vairety and the better vendor spot. Even then though it was a pleasant surprise. My profits actually went up by 20% compared to the last bazaar even though in total the bazaar was open 5 less hours than the last event. Makes me wish we could have stayed open longer and makes me wonder the possibilities had more people been around. That being said I will gratefully take it.
Along with that since the 2nd day was cut so short I offered a limited time deal for my Etsy page , (Ardent Prints) with a "Typhoon Sale" so that all those who missed out because of the storm could still purchase items at a better deal. The great thing is that this offer actually worked.
Overall I'd say it was a great success. Now the debate is on as to whether I should participate in the spring one. Why a debate you may ask? Well we SHOULD, (key word should) be PCS'ing in the spring meaning our packout could far very close to the spring bazaar. Luckily I have time to decide.
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