Navigating the channels of government employees and rigorous forms with a bit of direction from those with prior experience never hurts. I am certainly thankful for those who have helped us and I can only hope to pay it forward. Here are some helpful tips for dealing with each department:
General: 1) If you can email along with calls.for multiple reasons. Proof of what was said, sent and
done that you can present as evidence when contradicted. Also they tend to respond quicker.
2) Keep multiple copies of everything. You never know who will want a copy.
3) Do not assume the offices actually communicate with each other. They often don't and it
will be your responsibility to bridge the gap.
4) You must ask the right questions. The people in these offices answer what you ask and
don't elaborate so don't hesitate to pry further.
NAVPTO: 1) Contact them and don't just wait patiently for their email. It may not come so from the
beginning have multiple forms of contact. Even if it means nagging everyone in every
other office keep trying to get through. Worse comes to worse walk in.
2) Realize passports should arrive in 4-6 weeks. Start contacting them at 4 weeks.
SATO: 1) If traveling with pets give them the specifications as to which flights will accommodate the
size of your pet, (esp for in-cabin). They (SATO) are required to accommodate your needs.
This is make it easier and less work for them thus makes it easier for you.
Storage/UB/HHG: 1) Your moves cannot overlap at all. This even includes if one pack is to be picked
up on a day and another is to be packed. They will not tell you this and if you find
out too late if could provide complications.
2) Companies are supposed to contact you but sometimes they don't and other times
they just take their sweet time. If you haven't heard from them or if you're pressed
for time be preemptive and make the call.
3) Don't assume the movers know how to get to your residence. Be prepared to
give them detail directions.
4) Document EVERYTHING! This means lists, photographs, videos because if
you can not prove of it's existence and working condition you will not get
reimbursed if they break it or loose it.
Other: 1) You can mail items to yourself. We were able to get a PO Box(simply asked for one) and any
items we were wanting to take with us that the movers either wouldn't move, (food, wine,
candles, etc), or things we wanted right away but wouldn't fit in the suitcases we mailed to
ourselves. Best thing is you can submit the receipts to the travel claim.
There are so many tips and hints I'm sure these are just a minuscule amount but they are ones that we found by trial and error or a helpful friend. Hence it's my thought that maybe others need these too beyond documented sources. Of course every move has its own set of challenges but I hope this can help a bit.