If you are friends with me via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram then you likely saw my announcement about enrolling in Paul Mitchell. For those of you who knew this was coming, well now it's public. For those of you who had no idea or perhaps are confused let me explain here and now so you understand without me answering the same questions 50 times over. For any skeptical people or negative nancy's - be quiet, no one wants to hear it.
Danny and I have been discussing this on and off for a while now, in fact for about 1 year and a half. It just never seemed like the right timing, we weren't sure, excuses and therefor it kept getting shoved in a corner. The thing though is that it kept circling back to. Those of you who know us know we take stock in something like this. So we talked, looked at logistics and options along with what this could do for our future and obviously we decided yes. Thus I am enrolled. Classes begin June 4th, Tues-Sat 9:30-5 for 10 months. At the end after I take my board I am certified in Cosmetology, (which no, its not JUST hair) and will have many important connections with a stellar name backing me such as Paul Mitchell.

What does this mean career wise? Well first off, my art is not dead, dying or even whimpering. My personal work will always continue and there is no reason to think otherwise. This is not a completely new direction. If you were on a road it'd be more like veering left instead of a hard left. With my BA in Studio Art and minor in business this additional education will set me up perfectly to one day be a creative director. This means I could work the run way, fundraisers, hair shows and be in/near the same circles as John Paul and Angus Mitchell themselves. Along the way in case you didn't already know Cosmetologists can make good pay. Pay that we can put towards a house that can pay for our historic and classy taste that requires a pretty penny. It's a creative yet structured option that has measurable accomplishments and is a competitive atmosphere while still being flexible.
I believe in opportunity, signs and interactions. To me these things shape our lives. There is never one path and there is never a wrong path. Success is what you make of it, as are your choices.
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