"Change the hearts of men and you change the culture"- Siddhartha
One of the Cruelty Free symbols |
As we continue our change into green and ethical living Phase 2 is "No Animal Testing". This is something I've always believed in and attempted but now that we make our own purchases we are ultimately in control of all our products. It is not my goal to stir up an discussion or controversy about testing in terms to medical things. Personally I wish they wouldn't test and I keep feeling there must be some other way especially with all of our technology but that's not the focus of this post. This phase is about common day products that are not "needed" and therefor there is no "need" to have animal testing especially when there are non tested options of the same quality and price. Not only do I think of animal testing as vile, and unethical but I question how people can live with their furry friends and not feel guilty for using a product that their "cousin" suffered and died for. It's a bit of a smack in the face and we just can't stand for that.
Most Common Cruelty Free Symbol |
To find out what is and isn't tested you can easily look up products on a database here:
http://www.peta.org/living/beauty-and-personal-care/companies/search.aspx?Testing=1&Range=1 . Now as you see the database is associated with PETA. Here is my disclaimer: PETA can be extreme-in NO way am I suggesting you support, donate or subscribe to them. I certainly don't. I am saying however that they have a very nifty database of all the companies that test, that don't test and those who are changing policies to not test. That being said just think of it as a tool. Now that I have made my disclaimer, it was an incredibly useful tool because I literally found the manufacturer, looked it up and definitively had an answer. Any products from companies that test received a blue dot on them and will be phased out like the chemical products from the previous post. Also more and more companies are clearly printing"Not Tested On Animals" or they put the heart/bunny symbol to signify the same thing. So keep an eye out for these markers.
There are 2 critical things to remember. First companies do change policies. For instance ALMAY didn't test when I was in high school. Now since Revelon bought them they do and vice versa for Colgate-Palmolive. The second thing is sadly there are massive corporations that create an umbrella effect and by supporting a tributary you support the main source. Some company giants such as Proctor & Gamble, Clorox, Johnson&Johnson, SC Johnson and Gillette all test. When you start looking at the distributors of your products you will realize how many smaller companies, (such as Johnson & Johnson owning Neutragenia) are under their umbrella. Support of any of those companies supports the giant that tests. The other aspect is that regardless of the product all the funds go to support the same source so even though they are not testing feminine hygiene products on puppies that money supports that action. Therefor by association those products are eliminated as well since to bring attention to this evil they will only notice a drop in dollar signs. To bring change the corporations' financing must receive a hit and those companies who do not test deserve a boost.
"Please DON'T let my cousin be tested on!" |
You may be thinking, "Well what am I supposed to use then?". That database also lists companies by product type of those who do NOT test so you can always look up options there.Once you know the good and bad "parent" companies you can judge primarily with that.There are also apps for your your phone to be convenient when you're out and about. Fortunately we live in a world where there is a plethora of options and there's this new fangeled thing called the Internet.The best thing is the NON tested products don't cost any more and work just as well
If you have questions or what help in the change contact me and I'd be more than willing. Also as a side note please do not send, give or purchase anything for us under the companies that test because we cannot use them
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