As promised you shall take a peak at what I call my studio space. Let me preface this with 2 things . First this is a "temp" studio space since we rent there are obviously limitations and things that I would change if it was ours to do so. Secondly is "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind then what is an empty desk a sign of?" I completely agree with Einstein and as you will be able to see from my desk my mind is not empty! I thought about trying to make it pristine and perfect....but that's SO not me so why the ruse? Nope. Instead you get the creative chaos.

I do live in a creative chaos. Ideas strike all the time so my sketchbook is always on hand and my mind runs in fifty different directions never staying one task more than a few hours at a time in the studio. This makes it so that I want access to my supplies at any time and hopefully they end up back in their home. Equally important to the accessibility is the inspiration. Even though this is not a show room all the elements represent my interest and style. It's good to surround yourself with the image you wish to create.

I love my little window to view the mountains in the distance and the window behind me looks upon our garden. Or I can watch the dogs run amuck from either. No I don't have a standard chair... I have a yoga ball. Two reasons: 1) I stand most of the time I work. I know this is probably not best for the longevity of my back and shoulders so I am looking which brings me to 2) I am VERY picky about my chair-to-be. One day I'll find it. Also maybe you've noticed there is no printing press. But how? I'm an illustrator focusing in print making! I hand burnish all of my work so yes do appreciate the care and time that goes into each one. I would like to eventually have a printing press but they are ridiculously expensive so right now hand burnishing works just fine.

The best part of my studio are my 2 helpers. Bently rarely leaves my side but maybe to check in as to where his brother is. Fredrik's loyalty is to that of the sunspot . Wherever that is that's where he is but he will check in occasionally. I hope you've enjoyed a look into where the work is created. Visit
ArdentPrints to see some finished products.
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