Wowsers! June FLEW by. Oy! But to be fair half of my June I was out of the country. This travel provided some incredible experiences and amazing, inspirational opportunities. First I went to Korea, (Seoul specifically) for a week and then I went to Singapore for just under a week.

Let me just say Seoul, South Korea ( or the Republic of Korea as they refer to it) was a very pleasant surprise. I, admittedly, was ignorant as to what to expect about South Korea besides the DMZ and Korean BBQ but there's SO much more. There are a plethora of art galleries all of which hold their ground within art world standards. There are more coffee shops than you can shake a stick at and there is so much culture that they are eager to share esp if you venture away from touristy areas and are one of the few foreigners present. Inspiration wise... let me start with the DMZ. It was a very bizarre and surreal experience because a shrouded land straight from a dystopian novel lies just across a barbed wire fence that appears about as formidable as a property line fence. The lands between the countries appears so incredibly calm and peaceful. There's even people who have picnics and the area between has so much wildlife that have reclaimed it. And yet there is so much turmoil hidden. It's like an ultimate calm before the storm, that second before the gun fires in a cross country race, the climax before the drop in a roller coaster. It was interesting and awwing but a little uneasy. I want to incorporate this tense/peaceful feeling in some work I just need to figure out exactly how. The other thing that I think was inspiring were some of the color choices in the palaces. They were SO bright! Almost like neon colors and intricate patterns and yet it somehow boldly worked without being too obnoxious.

As I said my next trip was Singapore. It was an interesting land of contrast: jungle and wildlife vs exploited tourism. Obviously if you know me you know I prefer the former and thus the inspiration for this trip. We saw an incredible amount of animals up close and personal from animal feedings to wild ones while hiking. Not only did I get to see the anatomy and their movement but I think they showed their personalities a bit too. That's something that I'd like to convey. Not just a beautiful elephant but an intelligent, kind elephant. Not only a troop of baboons but a playful family that mirrors our own. Along with the animals I saw so many flowers. Too many to count and photograph but I did managed to get a few shots. Flowers are a tricky thing because they have finite edges but their folds, and lines are so delicate there is more implication that definition . I walked away with some fantastic references.
Travel provides insight and I really doubt I will ever get enough travel. There's so much beauty to see and culture to embrace.... yet so little time to do so. I don't want to miss out so don't plan on seeing me slow down anytime soon.
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