Everyone comes up with resolutions which I presonally find a bit humerous-Shouldn't we always be looking towards self improvement? However I understand it often slips our minds to do so and with the turning of the year it seems to be a reminder from father time. With everyone else reminding themselves to reflect it makes me think- "Oh maybe I should too". So here ya have it. Professional, personal, trivial and introspective towards grandeur. Mine run the gambit but all towards a "greater" me.
1. More adventures-Both big and small with everything from travel to trying new food.
2. More spontenaity- right in line with #1. I love a good plan but sometimes it's also wonderful to strip it down a bit. Perhaps bullet points....
3. More self reflection through meditation, writting etc and try to takle more of the big world ethos issues that no one seems to answer ever.
4. Learn German- I'm working on it and as long as there's progress I'm happy.
5. Find mroe creative dishes; perhaps with less meat- I don't know if I want to one day eliminate all meat or just some meat but I certaintly shouldn't be AS dependent upon it as I am.
6. Enter more art competitions- perhaps at least 1 a month.
7. Stick to my work out!- I know, how cliche' but I've always done yoga and I've started kettle bell. Both are very enjoyable so I'd like to get more regular.
8. Finish this damn novel. It's a work in progress but I get distracted from actually ya know- writting.
9.Think more of our(Danny, pups & myself) happi
ness and less of the outsiders , influences or effects because in the end it's us and we have a dream.
10. Stress less and no drama.
11. Learn more about wine- which means more sampling . You can't sell or make a product without knowing it's in's & out's.
12. Regularly create new art work and promote, promote, promote! My exposure and sales have risen but they're not done.
There ya have it. My 12 steps of improvement and exploration as a human for the upcoming year. So, what are yours?
Monday, December 29, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Yamato Shrine Sale

day. Why does any of this matter to the artist. Simple. I believe in preserving the past and giving value to the items that once meant something to someone. They have a story of its one time owner. In a way if someone doesn't give it value it's like that part of history is forgotten or erased from the outside world. In my art I talk about preserving nature in it's purity. This is just another nostalgic aspect of me and my loves.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
To a Far off Land

They all roam free and there's a variety of landscapes from mountains to jungles to grasslands. They're a proud, friendly people with a colorful culture and beautiful landscape filled with adventure all of which we are so incredibly enthralled to be a part of !
Curious about all that we'll see? Here's our itinerary:
Day 1: Welcome to Kathmandu w/ a welcome dinner
Day 2: Kathmandu Valley Sightseeing . We'll visit Pashupatinath, Bouddhanath, Monkey Temple & Kathmandu Durbar Square.
Day 3: Go to Sundarijal and hike to Chisopani
Day 4: Hike to Nargakot
Day5: Morning sunrise at Nargakot and then off to Chitwan National Wildlife Reserve. We spend the night in the park.
Day 6: Explore Chitwan and the elephants there. Then off to Pokhara and boat in the lake.
Day 7: Go to Sarangkot for sunrise above the clouds. The afternoon in Pokhara Vallery and return to Kathmandu by evening for our last night and a farewell dinner.
We are VERY excited so stay tuned for photos in about 2 months :D
Thursday, October 23, 2014
All I Want For Christmas....
All is want for Christmas is....nothing. Well sorta. This year we are doing something different. We are requesting that all those who would typically get us gifts don't. INSTEAD please give to one of the four charities we have chosen (links & info below).
Why this change? Well there's 4 brief reasons really:
1) We don't need/want anything
2)Anything we need/want I would like to proudly say we're able to take care of
3) There are kids, adults and animals in the world who have nothing and desperately need our help in various forms. THEY deserve this.
4) Christmas is NOT about giving/receiving material stuff. It SHOULD be about spending time and enjoying the spirit of Christmas so instead of buying into the commercialism enjoy the festivities and give to someone who needs it.
So we have carefully looked through many organizations and selected 4. To us these 4 touch upon general inate rights and liberties everyone deserves. If you participate in this please donate to at least 1 of THESE 4 ....NOT a random one of your choosing in our honor. We chose these 4 for specific reasons.
1)ASPCA ( https://www.aspca.org/donate )
Every animal deserves to be loved and the BEST critters come from shelters like the ones these guys operate. We chose them because they rescue animals, give shelter critters training, love and new homes plus they fight for the environment (a little planet we call home ) and animal rights.
2)Pencil of Promise ( http://pencilsofpromise.org/ )
Every child deserves an education regardless of location, religion, gender, sex, politics, finances, etc. We chose Pencil of Promise because they create schools all around the world, provide books, resources and train teachers. They may just be a drop in a pool of a worldwide problem but they put their heart and soul into education which is a step in the right direction.
3) Water ( http://water.org/ )
In America we take clean, drinkable water for granted and don't think twice before consuming tap water . Sadly though in many countries this is not the case and "clean" is far from it. Water is an organization that helps provide clean water to communities around the world through wells, filtration and more.
4)International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission
( https://iglhrc.org/content/support )
EVERYONE deserves the right to love WHOMEVER they want regardless of whether they are a man or woman without being persecuted verbally or physically. Each country is on their own crusade for this cause but it's a world wide issue. We need to spread love and equality of love. International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission fights for just that.
Final 2 minor notes: 1) We chose these organizations for a reason and they are all near and dear to us. I know there's a lot of great organizations out there or perhaps these aren't your favorite. Well please don't suggest your own instead because we chose THESE organizations . 2) We are still cool with birthday items so please don't forget Danny's Birthday! His birthday may be close to Christmas but NO it's not the same (unless he's Jesus and then I've seriously been out of the loop lol) so no, one does not count for the other :)
Happy Holidays...to come!
Why this change? Well there's 4 brief reasons really:
1) We don't need/want anything
2)Anything we need/want I would like to proudly say we're able to take care of
3) There are kids, adults and animals in the world who have nothing and desperately need our help in various forms. THEY deserve this.
4) Christmas is NOT about giving/receiving material stuff. It SHOULD be about spending time and enjoying the spirit of Christmas so instead of buying into the commercialism enjoy the festivities and give to someone who needs it.
So we have carefully looked through many organizations and selected 4. To us these 4 touch upon general inate rights and liberties everyone deserves. If you participate in this please donate to at least 1 of THESE 4 ....NOT a random one of your choosing in our honor. We chose these 4 for specific reasons.
1)ASPCA ( https://www.aspca.org/donate )
Every animal deserves to be loved and the BEST critters come from shelters like the ones these guys operate. We chose them because they rescue animals, give shelter critters training, love and new homes plus they fight for the environment (a little planet we call home ) and animal rights.
2)Pencil of Promise ( http://pencilsofpromise.org/ )
Every child deserves an education regardless of location, religion, gender, sex, politics, finances, etc. We chose Pencil of Promise because they create schools all around the world, provide books, resources and train teachers. They may just be a drop in a pool of a worldwide problem but they put their heart and soul into education which is a step in the right direction.
3) Water ( http://water.org/ )
In America we take clean, drinkable water for granted and don't think twice before consuming tap water . Sadly though in many countries this is not the case and "clean" is far from it. Water is an organization that helps provide clean water to communities around the world through wells, filtration and more.
4)International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission
( https://iglhrc.org/content/support )
EVERYONE deserves the right to love WHOMEVER they want regardless of whether they are a man or woman without being persecuted verbally or physically. Each country is on their own crusade for this cause but it's a world wide issue. We need to spread love and equality of love. International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission fights for just that.
Final 2 minor notes: 1) We chose these organizations for a reason and they are all near and dear to us. I know there's a lot of great organizations out there or perhaps these aren't your favorite. Well please don't suggest your own instead because we chose THESE organizations . 2) We are still cool with birthday items so please don't forget Danny's Birthday! His birthday may be close to Christmas but NO it's not the same (unless he's Jesus and then I've seriously been out of the loop lol) so no, one does not count for the other :)
Happy Holidays...to come!
Saturday, October 18, 2014
26: A Year in Review

Thank you to all those who sent well wishes, my incredible family, my playful pups and my wonderful husband . I look forward to what 26 is brewing to have in store.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Fall Bazaar in Review
Wowsers ! What an interesting bazaar it turned out to be. To set the stage I had increased my inventory including smaller items, stocked the cards and appropriately priced items adjusting for the cut that organization take. I was ready! On the downside one of the largest ships from base was pulling into a close port so it seemed like 1/2 the wives associated with that ship were gone! Oh and then there was the typhoon that kept creeping in causing the bazaar to be shut very early on Sunday.
Interestingly enough I actually did very well. I can only attribute it to my work, the vairety and the better vendor spot. Even then though it was a pleasant surprise. My profits actually went up by 20% compared to the last bazaar even though in total the bazaar was open 5 less hours than the last event. Makes me wish we could have stayed open longer and makes me wonder the possibilities had more people been around. That being said I will gratefully take it.
Along with that since the 2nd day was cut so short I offered a limited time deal for my Etsy page , (Ardent Prints) with a "Typhoon Sale" so that all those who missed out because of the storm could still purchase items at a better deal. The great thing is that this offer actually worked.
Overall I'd say it was a great success. Now the debate is on as to whether I should participate in the spring one. Why a debate you may ask? Well we SHOULD, (key word should) be PCS'ing in the spring meaning our packout could far very close to the spring bazaar. Luckily I have time to decide.

Along with that since the 2nd day was cut so short I offered a limited time deal for my Etsy page , (Ardent Prints) with a "Typhoon Sale" so that all those who missed out because of the storm could still purchase items at a better deal. The great thing is that this offer actually worked.
Overall I'd say it was a great success. Now the debate is on as to whether I should participate in the spring one. Why a debate you may ask? Well we SHOULD, (key word should) be PCS'ing in the spring meaning our packout could far very close to the spring bazaar. Luckily I have time to decide.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
New Gadget
You may have great product or great adventures but what good does it do if the photo itself cannot convey it. Instead of robbing ourselves in the isolation of the iPhone's capabilities we decide it was time to grow up and purchase a grown up camera. Say hello to our new gadget.
It's a Nikon D5200 with an 18-55 mm lens. Along with our purchase price the strap, charger, SD card and bag were all included. There's various settings, zoom, focus, effects, a flip screen, additional flash ability and more.
We've spent some time playing around with the features and it's abilities though to be honest we've only scratched the surface. There's plenty of research to read up on especially for upcoming adventures.
Needless to say we are very excited with our new gadget and all the incredible photos yet to come. Make sure to stay tuned as the pics start streaming in.

We've spent some time playing around with the features and it's abilities though to be honest we've only scratched the surface. There's plenty of research to read up on especially for upcoming adventures.
Needless to say we are very excited with our new gadget and all the incredible photos yet to come. Make sure to stay tuned as the pics start streaming in.
Thursday, September 4, 2014

~Mt Fuji is one of Japan's 3 Holy Mountains.
~It's a strato-volcanoe.
~Last erupted 1707-08.
~Average day ascent is 6-8 hours. Average night hike is 7-9 hours.
Ours was 8!
~You can receive "stamps" on your Fuji walking but there's a special one for doing a "sunrise" hike.
~Snow stays on the mountain ALL year round. It was between 30-40 degrees Fahrenheit when we summited.
~Seeing the sunrise from the top of Japan is considered the "best" way to hike Fuji. Sun rose for us at 5:06 am.
~Approximately 300,000 people climb Mt Fuji yearly.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Some Foreign Inspiration

As I said my next trip was Singapore. It was an interesting land of contrast: jungle and wildlife vs exploited tourism. Obviously if you know me you know I prefer the former and thus the inspiration for this trip. We saw an incredible amount of animals up close and personal from animal feedings to wild ones while hiking. Not only did I get to see the anatomy and their movement but I think they showed their personalities a bit too. That's something that I'd like to convey. Not just a beautiful elephant but an intelligent, kind elephant. Not only a troop of baboons but a playful family that mirrors our own. Along with the animals I saw so many flowers. Too many to count and photograph but I did managed to get a few shots. Flowers are a tricky thing because they have finite edges but their folds, and lines are so delicate there is more implication that definition . I walked away with some fantastic references.
Travel provides insight and I really doubt I will ever get enough travel. There's so much beauty to see and culture to embrace.... yet so little time to do so. I don't want to miss out so don't plan on seeing me slow down anytime soon.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
My Temp Studio Space
As promised you shall take a peak at what I call my studio space. Let me preface this with 2 things . First this is a "temp" studio space since we rent there are obviously limitations and things that I would change if it was ours to do so. Secondly is "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind then what is an empty desk a sign of?" I completely agree with Einstein and as you will be able to see from my desk my mind is not empty! I thought about trying to make it pristine and perfect....but that's SO not me so why the ruse? Nope. Instead you get the creative chaos.

Friday, May 2, 2014
'Ello all! So I wanted to just briefly provide some quick updates. I finally got all of the items that did not sell updated and loaded onto Etsy. Which with the newly warm days and the fact that I am now listing my items in English, French, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish for those speakers looking at Etsy in their countries it takes a bit while longer. I've been adamant to promote via Facebook and every page I can muster within there along with Twitter. It's a had a positive results; more like, favorites and followers...now just sales.
I have worked on some wedding decor items which I really loved . In fact, loved enough to where I plan to come up with some very simple, staple wedding related items to offer with of course custom being a VERY strong option. I'm also looking into business cards in a simple, blunt, classically minimal straightforward manner. I plan definitively to make postcards and greeting cards as those were phenomenal sellers. The question is whether to hand illustrate all of it or make a stamp. I'm acquiring materials for a variety of magnets as well. Make art practical for the practical people needing to get rid of the coin in their pockets.
I have been added to the list for the next bazaar in October; October 4 & 5th to be exact. It has already made me start to think of what to make and what will sell. Christmas is a must and I certainly plan to theme many of the cards in that general direction. The idea of a Christmas woodland family is being tossed around my cerebral currently but sketches still need to be worked out.
Finally my studio space is almost back to where it was. We've been so busy it's taken longer than expected to put things back in order after the bazaar. Though as soon as I do ( a week or 2) there will be photos and a post so keep an eye out. For now though check out new items on Etsy. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArdentPrints?ref=search_shop_redirect
I have worked on some wedding decor items which I really loved . In fact, loved enough to where I plan to come up with some very simple, staple wedding related items to offer with of course custom being a VERY strong option. I'm also looking into business cards in a simple, blunt, classically minimal straightforward manner. I plan definitively to make postcards and greeting cards as those were phenomenal sellers. The question is whether to hand illustrate all of it or make a stamp. I'm acquiring materials for a variety of magnets as well. Make art practical for the practical people needing to get rid of the coin in their pockets.
I have been added to the list for the next bazaar in October; October 4 & 5th to be exact. It has already made me start to think of what to make and what will sell. Christmas is a must and I certainly plan to theme many of the cards in that general direction. The idea of a Christmas woodland family is being tossed around my cerebral currently but sketches still need to be worked out.
Finally my studio space is almost back to where it was. We've been so busy it's taken longer than expected to put things back in order after the bazaar. Though as soon as I do ( a week or 2) there will be photos and a post so keep an eye out. For now though check out new items on Etsy. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArdentPrints?ref=search_shop_redirect
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Yokosuka Bazaar

Saturday, March 1, 2014
Japanese Art
It's been far too long and thus I apologize... again. I feel like I'm always doing that. Busy busy busy....commissioned pieces, custom works, stationary, hair, culture. So much. Jus the same I wanted to take a moment to write specifically about some Japanese art. Nothing to crazy or modern...we'll get to that later. For now just some crafty and historical creativity.
Japanese art has always had a bit of a special spot in my heart because Japan was the origin spot for woodblock printmaking. Many know of the wave print but there are so many others. So many clean lined, subtle, crisp prints. These I draw inspiration from and most certainly deserve their due.
We recently took part in a cultural event and were able to take part in many other arts and crafts. We were able t do Japanese calligraphy. Delicate, flowing writing that is deceivingly difficult.

I may not always think of these activities in the same bubble as Picasso or Warhol, however they do have their place. I can appreciate the tedious detail, time and seemingly effortless appearance. They are beautiful, enjoyable and creatively challenging. It's nice to have participated in this event by such welcoming people.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Say Hello to Hiro Nakamura!

Beep Beep! Move over! We got our own little Japanese car. Almost all cars in Japan are on the smaller side, (especially compared to America) partially due to the narrow streets and no need for a high powered speedy engine. We were debating about a car and whether we would honestly need it. Some things persuaded us a little but the biggest thing was hiking. When you take dogs on the train they must be in a carrier. That's fine but I really didn't want to have to lug around a carrier on the hike or rent a locker there. And what if Danny is gone and I want to go hike with the pups? Am I seriously supposed to lug 2 dogs in carriers, and a hiking bag onto a train before the hard work of the trail? I think not! So hiking with the dogs was the biggest persuasion. We purchased a 2000 Honda Capa. It's a periwinkle silver, has lots of storage, good on gas and there's a dvd player. Oh and it has a name. We named our other car too. It was Pepper... as in Pepper Pots because of my love for Tony Stark and Danny wanted it to have a girl name. This car of course needed a Japanese name so I fell back to a favorite of mine from a beloved show. Our car is Hiro Nakamura ! ( From the TV series Heroes.) Danny is insisting to call it Nakamura because he says Hiro sounds like "hero". I'll call it Hiro. Needless to say we are enjoying the drive and we're excited for the adventures this little guy's gona take us to.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
My Illustrated Life...in Japan

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